
Musings on the fly

So it seems I have been away from the blog for an age. What can I say? Time passes differently for me than it does for others.
But enough excuses. At the end of May I wrote a series of tweets about a fruit fly. They went largely unnoticed and, after a waiting what I thought a suitable time, I am yet to be proclaimed the fruit fly laureate. So I thought it time to share with you.

  • There has been a fruit fly fluttering around me for the last hour. I have named him Gordon. Gordon likes fruit but says there's more to life.
  • Gordon is complicated. Gordon appreciates slow jazz and debates Nietzsche. Gordon likes beaches in the Spring, but not Summer. Gordon loves rain. 
  • Gordon says he's never met a Gordon he didn't like. Gordon has never met another Gordon.
  • Gordon says "the only thing that money can't buy is abject poverty." Gordon might be right #FruitFlyPhilosophy
  • Gordon is a fruit fly with interests outside fruit.
  • Gordon doesn't like to wax lyrical. In a quiet moment, Gordon confesses that he doesn't know what wax lyrical means. He knows about wax fruit though.
  • Have you ever noticed that the more you write Gordon, the less it looks like a real word? I ask. Gordon disagrees. 
  • "If Gordon was made-uptional," says Gordon "I'd know about it." And Gordon, being a Gordon, might be right. 
  • Is anyone else worried that they might be having a fruit fly-based breakdown?
  • "No. Just you," says Gordon, and flits off to flutter round the light fitting. Gordon likes alliteration.